


shqlly shqlly 发表于2022-10-21 21:40:11 浏览70 评论0






Oh, my God, I never thought that growing up in Tennessee, I would stand on the Oscars one day. I want to say that Johnny Cash and Johnny Carter always like to give awards to other artists, musicians and singers. I feel this tradition again tonight.


This award is very important. I can feel its weight. So I want to thank the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for this great honor. I need to thank a lot of people who helped me to successfully shape this role.


Everyone at Fox, especially Cathy Konrad and James Kiki, made the movie. I would like to thank Jim Mangold in particular for directing the film and creating the character.


She is a real woman, she has self-esteem and strong, she also has fear, but more courage. I really like the role. I’m lucky to play it. Thank you.




2020年6月13日,奥斯卡主办方美国电影艺术与科学学院宣布新计划“Academy Aperture 2025”,力求增加奥斯卡的多样性,促进平等和包容,将在7月31日前建立工作组,并出台新规则和措施。



奥斯卡颁奖典礼上最佳男主角的讲话,或多或少得反映了那些反对战争的人们的心里话。每当我去教堂做礼拜的时候, 在教堂里的所有人都会为了人们的和平相处而祈祷。就我个人而言,虽然我自己信奉天主教,但是对于基督教,佛教,伊斯兰教我都是予以一种敬仰的态度。正如那句话所表达的一样,基督教也好,伊斯兰教也好,宗教的最终目的是为了让人们和平而不是战争。难道为了振兴自己国家的经济就非得去占有其他国家的领土吗?难道自己的快乐必须建立在别人的痛苦上吗?耶稣为了解脱世人的罪,自愿牺牲自己而被钉在了十字架上,难道世人真的爱黑暗尤胜于光明吗?


Hugh Jackman
The academy likes to salute range-
Kate Winslet-an English who plays a German in the reader, nominated
Robert Downny Jr.-an American who plays an Australian who plays an African American, nominated
Whereas me, an Australian who plays an Australian in a movie called Australia, hosting.
So I am the host this year but that’s not the only thing that is different. Everything has been downsized because of the recession. So next year, I am going to be playing in a movie called New Zealand
Mickey Rourke -I want you to say whatever is on you mind. You know we have a 7 seconds delay tonight but if you win, we will switch to a 20 min delay.
I actually don’t have a joke for them. I am just contractually obligated to mention their names at least 5 times tonight. -Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
Meryl Streep-15 nominations -that’s a record. when someone puts up numbers like that it is high enough to think steroids. Steroids-performance enhancing drugs used and abused in sports.
Best supporting actress-- Penelope Cruz
Whoopi Goldberg --It’s not easy being a nun-take it from one who is been there and back(很显然,她指的是他从前的那部影片 修女也疯狂 sister act)-first of all, your face never look thin; you never get to wear pants and your love interest is always off screen. But in spite of this, Amy Adams showed us how a woman could sum up the courage she didn’t know she had and place herself in the middle of a deeply troubling moral mystery. She was compelling and moving without a doubt.
Penelope Cruz-it’s not going to be 45 seconds. has anyone fainted before? Cause I think I might be the first one. thank you woody for trusting me with this beautiful character. Thanking you for having written all these years some of the greatest characters for women. …I always felt that this ceremony is a moment of unity for the world because art in any form is, has been and will always be a universal language and we should do everything we can to protect its survival.
Best original screen play-adapted screen play
Tina Fay and Steve Martin
The two incredible presenters walk out to center stage. The crowd is amazed by the star power and beauty of the two presenters. The audience members are too stunned to leap to their feet except for those consumed by bitter jealousy. The audience breaks into wild, uncontrollable applause.
It has been said that to write is to live forever. And man who wrote that is dead.
Every great movie starts with a great screenplay. Or a very good idea for the poster, but usually a screen play.
And every writer starts with a blank page and every blank page was once a tree.
And every tree was once a tiny seed and every tiny seed was placed on earth by the alien king.
Milk -Dustin Lance Black-we will have equal rights federally in this great nation of ours.
Best animated feature
Jennifer Aniston/Jack Black-kungfu panda
The nominees in this category are a reminder that we are becoming quickly obsolete.
Jack-each year I do one Dreamworks project and I take all the money to the Oscars and bet it on Pixar (Disney and Pixar)
A lot of people mistakenly think it is easier to win the best short animated film.
But that is not true. The shorter your movie, the less time you panda has to work its way into America’s heart.
Best supporting actor
Seymour Phillip Hoffman-fortunately for us, Phillip, your commitment for the truth in every moment keeps us exactly where we should be-unsettled, unsure, and uncertain. For this again this year, we sing your praises.
Heath ledger
Premature death-posthumously
Reese Witherspoon
There is one person we have yet honored. For those of you at home, they are the ceo, the head honcho, the grand poobah, the big cheese. (cheesy) on site they can be you mother, your father and your therapist. They can even manage hostage negotiations when certain actor/actress having trouble coming out of their trailer-not I am speaking about myself but you know who you are. Ben stiller.
The director is a grand collaborator taking inspiration from all artists around them to create one singular vision, clarifying the screen writer’s words, creating a visual language with the cinematographer, helping each actor find a true emotional connection to their character, designing each shot so that everything in the frame adds to the immediacy of the story telling, making sure that every creative aspects work together to elevate craft to the level of art.
Danny Boyle: My kids are too old to remember this-but I swore to them, if this mircal even happens, I would receive it in the spirit of tiger from Winnie the pooh. For the beautiful show you have done, but in the room it is bloody beautiful.
Best actress-
Sophia Loren-it is hard to know where to begin with the next nominee, her name itself has come to represent a whole world of unmatched excellence. So it is probably best to simply start there. Meryl Streep. 15 nominations 2 wins
Shirley MacLaine (terms of endearment, in her shoes, steel magnolia)-anna Hathaway
You fearlessly stepped into the shoes of someone struggling with addiction and grief. I think you are an amazing example of every young actress in this business because you are not afraid to show both your dark and your bright side.
Rachel’s wedding/funeral at a wedding/the family stone
Grant Me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the thingsI can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
May you live to be a hundred and I a hundred minus a day so I would never know beautiful people like you passed away.
Kate Winslet -5 nominations at Oscar and GG
Dad, whistle or something cauz I don’t know where you are.
To be surrounded by a remarkable group of people who provided unbroken chain of support
Acknowledge my fellow nominees-I think we all can’t believe we are in a category with Meryl Streep at all. I am sorry Meryl but you will have to just suck that up.
Best actor-
Robert De Niro-how did he do it? How for so many years did Sean Penn get his job playing straight man? Being a movie star can get in the way of acting but not for Sean Penn, Sean loses himself in every role. Sean brings his commitment to his off screen life-you see him campaigning for human rights, respectfully advises the world leaders and gently, gently reasons the paparazzi. Tonight it is important to be a great actor and in life, it is great to be a human being.
Sean Penn-you commie, homo-loving sons of guns. I did not expect this but i want it to be very clear that I do know how hard I make it to appreciate me often. I am touched by the appreciation.

谁能给我一些奥斯卡的颁奖词和获奖感言 要英文的就行

And the Oscar goes to Sean Penn.
Thank you. Thank you. You commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns. I did not expect this, but I, and I want it to be very clear, that I do know how hard I make it to appreciate me often. But I am touched by the appreciation and I hoped for it enough that I did want to scribble down, so I had the names in case you were commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns, and so I want to thank my best friend, Sata Matsuzawa. My circle of long-time support, Mara, Brian, Barry and Bob. The great Cleve Jones. Our wonderful writer, Lance Black. Producers Bruce Cohen and Dan Jinks.
And particularly, as all, as actors know, our director either has the patience, talent and restraint to grant us a voice or they don’t, and it goes from the beginning of the meeting, to through the cutting room. And there is no finer hands to be in than Gus Van Sant. And finally, for those, two last finallies, for those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren’s eyes if they continue that way of support. We’ve got to have equal rights for everyone. And there are, and there are, these last two things. I’m very, very proud to live in a country that is willing to elect an elegant man president and a country who, for all its toughness, creates courageous artists. And this is in great due respect to all the nominees, but courageous artists, who despite a sensitivity that sometimes has brought enormous challenge, Mickey Rourke rises again and he is my brother. Thank you all very much.
And the Oscar goes to Kate Winslet.
“Ok, that fainting thing Penelope!“ (referring to Penelope Cruz Oscar speech earlier)
“I’d be lying if I have not made a version of this speech before, I think I was probably 8 years old and staring into the bathroom mirror. And this (holding up her statuette) would’ve been a shampoo bottle.
“Well, it’s not a shampoo bottle now!
“I feel very fortunate to have made it all the way from there to here.
“And I’d like to thank some of the people along the way who had faith in me, my friends and my family, especially my mum and dad, who are in this room somewhere.
“Dad, whistle or something, ’cause then I’ll know where you are. (He whistles.) Yeah! (Waving to him.) I love you.
“And I also want to thank Hylda Queally, Dallas Smith and the late, much loved, much missed Robert Garlock.
“And from Peter Jackson and Emma Thompson to my very own Sam and Stephen Daldry.
“I’m very lucky to have been given Hanna Schmitz by Bernhard Schlink and David Hare and Stephen and working with you is an experience I will never forget.
“There was no division between the cast and the crew on this film, and that’s what made it so special.
“So, to have been surrounded by a remarkable group of people who provided an unbroken chain of support from David Kross to Ralph Fiennes, Bruno Ganz, Lena Olin, from hair and makeup to cinematography, from the art department to the ADs, and from New York to Berlin.
“And I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children who let me do what I love and who love me just the way that I am.
“Anthony and Sidney, this is for you. This is for both of you.
“And I want to acknowledge my fellow nominees, these goddesses. I think we all can’t believe we’re in a category with Meryl Streep at all.
“I’m sorry, Meryl, but you have to just suck that up! And, just to the Academy, thank you so much, my God! Thank you!”
【Oscar Awards of Speech奥斯卡颁奖典礼获奖感言】

Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you! Thank you so much! Oh, my god. I just can’t believe it . Is it real or am I just dream? Please forgive me, I am, I am just so shocked and so thankful. I never expected this award tonight. I’m very grateful to receive this award for “Best Actress.” I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor. There are so many people I’d like to thank. First of all, I want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher Clark Johnson who taught me everything I know. I want to thank my husband, for his understanding and kindness. And finally, I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him. There are just too many people I should thank and I know I am probably forgetting someone. So again, I just want to say thank you to everyone who helped me, supported me, or just listened to me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. This award means a great deal to me. Words can’t express how honored I feel at this moment. I will remember this night for the rest of my life! Thank you very much.
【李安(Ang Lee)】:
I wish I knew how to quit you. First of all, I want to thank two people who don’t even exist. Or I should say, they do exist, because of the imagination of Annie Proulx(注:小说《断背山》原作者) and the artistry of Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana(注:两人均为电影改编剧本作者). Their names are Ennis and Jack. And they taught all of us who made “Brokeback Mountain” so much about not just all the gay men and women whose love is denied by society, but just as important, the greatness of love itself.… 谢谢大家!
点评:作为一位文人导演,李安机智而风趣地引用《断背山》的经典台词“I wish I knew how to quit you.(我希望我能知道如何戒掉你。)”表达对奥斯卡奖的重视。他的感言理性中透出对艺术的热爱。最后一句中文“谢谢大家”充分体现了一位华人导演对母语的尊敬。
【乔治克鲁尼 (George Clooney)】:
All right, so I’m not winning director.…We’re the ones who talk about AIDS when it was just being whispered, and we talked about civil rights when it wasn’t really popular. …This Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theatres. …


  我只能提供中文的 你要么?我得自己打
  我打好了 但是发不出来
  Tilda Swinton :The five of us standing before you,represent the 70 women who be honor to received the Oscars for best supporting women.
  Eva Marie Saint:即使只有寥寥几场的演出,只要剧力迫人,就有机会获得奥斯卡奖。这就是你所经历的,维奥拉·戴维斯,在《质疑》中,我们不知看到了你的演技,还有你的护子深情。这让我们对你的要求更高,维奥拉·戴维斯,祝贺你。
  Goldie Hawn:当佩妮洛普·克鲁兹在《午夜的巴塞罗那》中出场的那场对白里夹杂了西班牙语和英语,我们没能完全听懂对白的意思,却完全明白她的感受,佩妮洛普,你的角色狂野而又迷人,在你的美貌之下,有一颗喜剧演员的心。恭喜你,佩妮洛普。
  Whoopi Goldberg:做修女不容易,我是过来人,首先你的脸蛋永远不像平时看起来那样,永远不能穿裤子,你爱的人永远在镜头之外(手指上帝),但是尽管这样,艾米·亚当斯,展示了怎么样演一名新时代的修女。如何鼓起不可想象的勇气,跻身一场道德风暴当中,她的演绎使人信服又感人,毫无疑问,必将“胜诉”。祝福你,艾米。
  Anjelica Huston:在电影《本杰明巴顿奇事中》,在游历了世界各地后,布拉德皮特回家找妈妈。其实,想念她的还有观众,足以证明她的演绎有多动人。泰吉·汉森,你提醒我们,爱没有条件,不受时空年龄所限,都是值得珍重的瑰宝。你也一样,谢谢。祝贺你。
  Tilda Swinton :本年的另一位候选人,在《摔跤手》中散发怜悯与真挚,她不但令人想起女性体力上的挑战,还有母亲们的排除万难,舍己忘我的勇气,她还赤裸裸的演出,脱衣舞娘可以裸露但不失尊严,我们表扬你,玛瑞莎·托梅。
  Alan Arkin:演员中的演员,是指那些不断提升自己,演技日以精湛,掘弃浮夸,矢志求真的演员,简单一句话就是,菲利普·西摩尔·霍夫曼。菲利浦在《质疑》饰演神父,这个角色要求时时刻刻质疑真假,幸好菲利普对于真相的执着,教会我们应有的态度,以怀疑精神面对不确定的世界。为此,这一年我们再次奖励你。
  Joel Grey:去年,这个奖项的得主越过沙漠,踏过崎岖路,务求杀死下一位候选人。乔什·布洛林在夏菲·《米尔克》的时代的精湛表演获得赏识,体现了一种社会公道。演员向来想演的行高尚的大好人,但是乔什·布洛林演的Dan White这个角色受恐惧和懦弱支配,提醒我们要以理解替代恐惧,将懦弱变成坚强。好小子,你做到了。
  Cuba Gooding jr.:到目前为止,他们的每一句话我都赞同。让我们谈谈冒险走钢丝吧,怎么样?Robert Downey, Jr.凭借今年的《铁人》和《热带惊雷》里出神入化的演出再度成为最大胆的、最佳现役男演员。一个白人演员。一个白人演员饰演一个澳大利亚黑人,长着一张黑脸,我想说,你疯了不行?我的意思是说演戏要入戏,着我明白,可是你却抢黑人的饭碗,我的同胞需要工作啊。够了,谢谢你。恭喜你获得提名。并预祝新片好兄弟制作特辑即将开拍。
  Kevin Kline:迈克尔·香农是一名优秀的演员,过去10年拍片无数,他在《革命之路》的演绎固然大受瞩目,他饰演一个心口如一的人,所有的演员都希望演出角色的精髓,将平凡角色背后的不平凡演绎出来。迈克尔,你做到了,做得好。
  Christopher Walken:在光影不断的一年里,最让人难忘的可能就是小丑那张化妆的脸在车辆疾驰时嬉皮笑脸的伸出车外,狂傲在夜风中,陶醉于他在哥谭镇造成的破环。阴险狡诈,笑里藏刀。希斯·莱杰在《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》中饰演小丑。制造出阵阵凝云,让观众想知道,他还能有哪些恶行。凭借本片出神入化的演出,以及其他电影的独特的演绎方法,希斯莱杰为我们留下了不可磨灭的印象。
  Shirley MacLaine:安妮·海瑟薇,我们喜欢你在公主日记中的演出,喜欢你在Prada中的演出,今年,在《蕾切尔的婚礼》中,你大胆的饰演了一个跟毒瘾和悲痛搏斗的女人。你是所有年轻演员的好榜样,因为你不怕同时表露你的美好和阴暗面。这是你的第一次提名,我认为接下来的会接踵而至,而且我觉得你的声音很美,继续唱歌吧,上帝保佑你。
  Marion Cotillard:凯特·温斯莱特,每演一个新角色,你都会像不可能挑战,你在《朗读者》中的演出,包括了我们喜欢你的所有气质,热情、脆弱和深邃。当你的角色经历时间,爱情和最悲惨的遭遇,都引起了我们作为观众的深刻的共鸣。这是一次令人难忘的演绎,来自最具才华的和最激动人心的女演员之一,谢谢。
  Halle Berry:我曾很有幸拍了一部小成本独立制作的影片,并在这奥斯卡的舞台上得到了世界的认同。庆幸历史重新上演,发生在了梅丽莎·雷欧身上,你在《冰冻之河》里扮演一个失去一切的女人,不过你有真正的美国精神,仍然希望明天会更好。你的精彩演出令人关注被忽略的人。不过同时证明了梅丽莎·雷欧你的光芒同样不会被忽略。恭喜你。
  Sophia Loren:不知道该怎样介绍这位候选人,她的名字已经代表了无与伦比的佳绩,所以最好就从她的名字说起吧,梅丽尔·斯特里普。在《质疑》中你又创造了一个特别的角色,一个严厉的修女,可是你让我们感觉到她内心的挣扎。在坚守道德信仰的同时,感觉到时代对她左右。你破纪录的15项提名,不同反响的梅丽尔·斯特里普。
  Nicole Kidman:一位年轻的母亲在1928年失去独生子被迫跟调查儿子失踪的警方一起隐瞒事实。这就是那个时代女性的命运。能演活这角色全靠安吉丽娜·茱莉有时代感的天分。她在《调包婴儿》怀着悲愤和决心,誓要寻求公正与真相。令我们见到坚毅的母爱。不让儿子被遗忘,安吉丽娜朱莉,你令人难忘。
  Michael Douglas:演绎家喻户晓的人物的弊端难以计数,所以弗兰克·兰格拉在《对话尼克松》中的令人刮目相看。一看之下,跟真人的比较其他的版本皆不值一提,大家都被落魄英雄的内心吸引,到最后仍在奋力操纵公众对他的看法。弗兰克,你的演出精彩非凡,我向你致敬,厉害。
  Robert De Niro:他是怎么做到的呢?为什么这么多年来,西恩·潘都不用扮同性恋?身为明星可能不利于演戏,但是西恩不是这样,西恩每每陷入角色不可自拔,演活了Sam,Mr.River,Jim Markham,冲浪小子Spicoli,死囚168小时的角色,当然还有夏米·米尔克。西恩私底下同样不遗余力,热心人权,忠荐各国领袖,好言相劝狗仔队。今晚我们以演技为重,现实中我们以顶天立地为重,这就是我的朋友,西恩·潘。
  Adrien Brody:我不是Google迷,不过你要是上Google搜索理查德·詹金斯的履历,你会发现,他25年来拍了超过60部电影。他演过的角色千变万化,理查德,你在The Visitor中是主角,你驾驭每一场戏都从容不迫,唯有经验如此丰富才能这么做,你毫无疑问人人皆知,但是你今晚的成就值得肯定,恭喜。
  Anthony Hopkins:布拉德·皮特,家喻户晓的男主角。他在《本杰明·巴顿奇事》中的戏份一人独占2/3。当中我们看到一位伟大的性格演员,入木三分的精彩演出。这个角色使你的演技得到认可。除了精彩的特技外,能够让本杰明·巴顿成为有血有肉的人全依赖这位我有幸合作过的杰出的演员,干得好朋友,出类拔萃的表演。
  Ben Kingsley:《摔跤手》中的罗宾逊,重返战场东山再起,展开新生,我们何以关心一位伤痕累累的拳手?有一个很好的理由,米基·洛克。只有一个坦诚的演员才能演出一个保守挫折而又东山再起的人。欢迎你再战江湖,欢迎你回来。东山再起的米基·洛克。


  2007年02月27日 晶报



近几年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼的收视率一直在下滑, ABC电视台和美国电影学院为了收视率想了很多办法,去年奥斯卡颁奖礼上选择了无主持人的模式,颁奖时间缩短了近30分钟。


ABC电视台在去年决定将去掉主持人的时间让明星参与颁奖和演出,“皇后乐队“边沿了串烧,Lady Gaga和布莱德利·库珀演唱了歌曲,还有明星参与了开场白,效果颇为理想。今年的奥斯卡颁奖礼再次创新,邀请了十个国家的歌手共同登台演唱《冰雪奇缘2》的主题曲《Into the unknown》, 引发了公众们的期待,可惜奥斯卡的收视率并未因此而增长。
