


shqlly shqlly 发表于2022-10-23 07:29:09 浏览49 评论0




冬奥会加拿大《加拿大精神》演讲词We Are More
by Shane Koyczan
When defining Canada
you might list some statistics
you might mention our tallest building
or biggest lake
you might shake a tree in the fall
and call a red leaf Canada
you might rattle off some celebrities
might mention Buffy Sainte-Marie
might even mention the fact that we’ve got a few
Barenaked Ladies
or that we made these crazy things
like zippers
electric cars
and washing machines
when defining Canada
it seems the world’s anthem has been
“ been there done that“
and maybe that’s where we used to be at
it’s true
we’ve done and we’ve been
we’ve seen
all the great themes get swallowed up by the machine
and turned into theme parks
but when defining Canada
don’t forget to mention that we have set sparks
we are not just fishing stories
about the one that got away
we do more than sit around and say “eh?“
and yes
we are the home of the Rocket and the Great One
who inspired little number nines
and little number ninety-nines
but we’re more than just hockey and fishing lines
off of the rocky coast of the Maritimes
and some say what defines us
is something as simple as please and thank you
and as for you’re welcome
well we say that too
but we are more
than genteel or civilized
we are an idea in the process
of being realized
we are young
we are cultures strung together
then woven into a tapestry
and the design
is what makes us more
than the sum total of our history
we are an experiment going right for a change
with influences that range from a to zed
and yes we say zed instead of zee
we are the colours of Chinatown and the coffee of Little Italy
we dream so big that there are those
who would call our ambition an industry
because we are more than sticky maple syrup and clean snow
we do more than grow wheat and brew beer
we are vineyards of good year after good year
we reforest what we clear
because we believe in generations beyond our own
knowing now that so many of us
have grown past what used to be
we can stand here today
filled with all the hope people have
when they say things like “someday“
someday we’ll be great
someday we’ll be this
or that
someday we’ll be at a point
when someday was yesterday
and all of our aspirations will pay the way
for those who on that day
look towards tomorrow
and still they say someday
we will reach the goals we set
and we will get interest on our inspiration
because we are more than a nation of whale watchers and lumberjacks
more than backpacks and hiking trails
we are hammers and nails building bridges
towards those who are willing to walk across
we are the lost-and-found for all those who might find themselves at a loss
we are not the see-through gloss or glamour
of those who clamour for the failings of others
we are fathers brothers sisters and mothers
uncles and nephews aunts and nieces
we are cousins
we are found missing puzzle pieces
we are families with room at the table for newcomers
we are more than summers and winters
more than on and off seasons
we are the reasons people have for wanting to stay
because we are more than what we say or do
we live to get past what we go through
and learn who we are
we are students
students who study the studiousness of studying
so we know what as well as why
we don’t have all the answers
but we try
and the effort is what makes us more
we don’t all know what it is in life we’re looking for
so keep exploring
go far and wide
or go inside but go deep
go deep
as if James Cameron was filming a sequel to The Abyss
and suddenly there was this location scout
trying to figure some way out
to get inside you
because you’ve been through hell and high water
and you went deep
keep exploring
because we are more
than a laundry list of things to do and places to see
we are more than hills to ski
or countryside ponds to skate
we are the abandoned hesitation of all those who can’t wait
we are first-rate greasy-spoon diners and healthy-living cafes
a country that is all the ways you choose to live
a land that can give you variety
because we are choices
we are millions upon millions of voices shouting
“ keep exploring... we are more“
we are the surprise the world has in store for you
it’s true
Canada is the “what“ in “what’s new?“
so don’t say “been there done that“
unless you’ve sat on the sidewalk
while chalk artists draw still lifes
on the concrete of a kid in the street
beatboxing to Neil Young for fun
don’t say you’ve been there done that
unless you’ve been here doing it
let this country be your first-aid kit
for all the times you get sick of the same old same old
let us be the story told to your friends
and when that story ends
leave chapters for the next time you’ll come back
next time pack for all the things
you didn’t pack for the first time
but don’t let your luggage define your travels
each life unravels differently
and experiences are what make up
the colours of our tapestry
we are the true north
strong and free
and what’s more
is that we didn’t just say it
we made it be.




叫敲起鼓来,Bang the Drum。布莱恩亚当斯和人气女歌手奈丽·福塔多唱的。现在还没有下载,只有词。。。
You and I
Together we reach for the sky
It’s not about winning
It’s all about playing the game
From the East
From the West
Each of us trying our best
Chasing a dream
Burning to follow the flame
Bang the Drum a little louder
So the whole world can hear
the whole world can hear
Sing the song a little longer
So the whole world can hear
the whole world can hear
From near
From far
It’s clear, wherever you are
This is your moment
Your time to run like the wind
Dream big
Aim high
Even believe you can fly
Give it your all
Let the Games begin
Bang the Drum a little louder
So the whole world can hear
the whole world can hear
Jump up a little higher
so the whole world can see ya
the whole world can see ya
Sing the song a little longer
so the whole world can hear
the whole world can hear
Bang the Drum a little louder
For the whole world to hear
the whole world to hear
Bang the Drum a little louder
Sing the song a little longer
Bang the Drum!






































1. Nikki Yanofsky - O Canada 加拿大国歌《哦,加拿大》
2. Nelly Furtado and Bryan Adams - Bang the Drum《敲起鼓来》
3. Sarah McLachlan - Ordinary Miracle《平凡的奇迹》
4. k.d. lang - Hallelujah《哈利路亚》
5. Measha Brueggergosman - The Olympic Hymn奥林匹克颂
6. Garou -《Un peu plus haut, un peu plus loin》(A Little Higher, A Littler Farther)






一根欢迎柱未升起(红圈处)。当加拿大残奥会明星里克·汉森坐着轮椅缓缓进入哥伦比亚体育馆时,意味着最激动人心的点燃主火炬的一刻就要到来。汉森作为加拿大人坚强意志的代表,将圣火传递给了第二棒火炬手、奥运会速滑冠军科特里纳·奥娜多安。随后,NBA巨星纳什作为第三棒,在自己的家乡传递了圣火,然后他将圣火又传递给南希·格林。最后,圣火传递给了加拿大冰球运动员、被誉为“冰上乔丹”的韦恩·格雷茨基。  随后,包括纳什在内的前四棒火炬手分别站在体育场的四角,而格雷茨基站在场地中央,安静等待开幕式刚开始时的四根欢迎柱缓缓升起,不过,经历了几分钟的漫长等待,最终升上来的,是三根欢迎柱。三根欢迎柱慢慢升起,并旋转变形渐渐向中间靠拢。三根欢迎柱将中间缓缓升起的一根巨大冰柱紧紧包围,颇似一朵待放的花儿。三名火炬手分别点燃了三根欢迎柱,火光瞬间上升将冰柱也引燃,形成冰与火相交融的奇观。  应该说,这样的创意是很不错的,但非常可惜的是,原本按照设计是4根欢迎柱包裹中间的冰柱,但因为技术故障,导致与第二棒火炬手——速滑冠军奥娜多安相对应的一个欢迎柱未能升起。 官方承认失败  火炬手临危不乱受盛赞  开幕式结束后,温哥华冬奥会组委会官员很快承认,点火仪式出现故障,并没能按照计划进行。奥组委官方发言人史密斯·瓦拉德接受采访时说:“可能是出现了液压问题,最终火炬的点燃并没有和我们计划中一样进行。”  当火炬传到最后一名火炬手格雷茨基手中时,他站在场地中央,安静等待开幕式刚开始时的四根欢迎柱缓缓升起,不过,经历了几分钟的漫长等待,最终升上来的,是三根欢迎柱。  好在奥娜多安临危不乱自己高举手中的火炬,而让其他几名火炬手点燃了三根欢迎柱,火光上升的同时将三根欢迎柱中间的那根巨大冰柱点燃,冬奥会火炬被点燃,奥运圣火熊熊燃烧。  对此,史密斯·瓦拉德盛赞了奥娜多安的危机处理能力:“奥娜多安处理得非常好,她让现场观众没感到什么变化,而其他三人点燃了欢迎柱。”代表运动员宣誓的加拿大女子冰球队长维肯海塞尔说:“我的确意识到出了一点问题,但是我并没有受到影响。而这也并不影响最后的点火仪式,奥娜多安处理得非常棒!”  实际上,这并不是奥运会点火仪式第一次出现失误,2000年悉尼夏季奥运会“水火交融”虽被全世界观众津津乐道,但仍经历了四分钟的黑色尴尬。当时,火炬手在水中点燃主火炬之后,主火炬沿着斜坡上升时出现机械故障,在2米的高度停留了四分钟.