


shqlly shqlly 发表于2022-10-28 07:28:32 浏览66 评论0




意大利原文 中 英 意文 forse non sara una canzone a cambiare le regole del gioco ma voglio viverla cosi quest’ avventura senza frontiere e con il cuore in gola e it mondo in una giostra di colori e il vento accarezza le bandiere arriva un bivido e ti trascina via e sciogi in un abbraccio la follia notti magiche inseguendo un goal sotto il cieto di un’estate italiana e negli occhi tuoi voglia di vincere un’estate un avventura in piu quel sognio che comincia da bambino e che ti porta sempre piu lontano non e una favola - e diagli spogliatoi escono i ragazza e siamo noi notti magiche inseguendo un goal sotto il cielo di un’estate italiana e negli occhi tuoi voglia di vincere un’ estate un avventura in piu notti magiche inseguendo un goal(inseguendo un goal) sotto il cielo di un’estate italiana(na na na na) e negli occhi tuoi voglia di vincere un’ estate un avventura in piu un avventura un avventura in piu un avventura 英文歌词 this is what we’ve worked for all our lives reaching for the highest goal we can we choose to give it all when competition calls time records the victory in our hearts to win or lose is not the only thing it’s all in how we play the fairest game this is the chance we take reaching for the top time records the victory in our hearts to be number one running like the wind playing hard but always playing fair (oh year) to be number one winning again and again reaching higher through italian sky this is what we’ve worked for all our lives shining like a shooting star at night we’ve got to give it all when we hear the call time records the viictory in our hearts to be number one! 中文歌词 这里并不是曼舞轻唱 相聚在一起斗胜争强 热烈欢迎你们来自四面八方 就在赛场上拼搏较量 罗马城被装扮得更辉煌 万国旗在迎着风儿飘扬 到达罗马时候一片激动心情 此刻化作了斗志昂扬 意大利之夏蓝天闪着光 增进友谊是所有人的期望 绿茵球场上又热烈又紧张 欢声雷动看谁战胜对方! 小时候常站在那看台旁 幻想有一天驰骋球场上 经过多少岁月经历多少拼搏 如今终于实现梦想 看谁战胜对方、谁战胜对方 看谁战胜对方、看谁战胜对方


生命之杯-La Copa De La Vida
瑞奇·马汀是世界级偶像歌手,并引领着拉丁音乐浪潮。该歌曲获得全球30个国家单曲排行的冠军,也是1998年法国世界杯的另一首主题曲。“生命之杯“ 在世界杯之后也传播甚广,成为很多足球节目用来烘托气氛的第一选用曲目。歌曲中的鼓乐节奏和号角奏鸣都颇为煽情。
从1998年起,世界杯赛的主题曲不再仅限于一首,而且开始灌录世界杯官方专辑唱片。1998年的《Allez! Ola! Ole! 》中就收录了15首代表参赛各国的足球歌曲。官方主题歌为“我踢球你介意吗”和“生命之杯”。
我踢球你介意吗-La Cour des Grands ”(法语:La Cour des Grands,英语:Do you mind if I play)
演唱者:尤索·恩多(Youssou N’Dour )& 阿克塞拉·瑞德(Axelle Red)
Anthem-足球圣歌 Boom-风暴
阿纳斯塔西娅的歌声和形象的差距令人难以置信,靓丽的偶像外型和深沉浑厚的“爵士乐”嗓音给人的视听觉冲击强烈。“风暴”曲调简洁、节奏强劲,流行的曲风给人异域感觉,和“生命之杯” 相比它少了些火般热情,多了份紧迫感强劲的冲击。
“The Time of Our Lives“(生命之巅)
由红遍全球的Pop Opera跨界团体IL Divo(美声绅士)与R&B天后Toni Braxton共同主唱。而活力四射,充满足球激情的会歌“Celebrate the Day“则由德国史上最畅销歌手Herbert Gronemeyer演绎。曾为世界杯赛事制作出像Ricky Martin演唱的“Cup of Life“这样广为流传的力作今年再度为FIFA倾力打造世界杯官方音乐专辑。主题曲中文版则由中国的七位歌手(乐团):陈坤、黄奕、李泉、韩雪、秦海璐、倪睿思和大地乐团共同演绎。在两岸三地广受欢迎的唱将型歌手庾澄庆将翻唱这届世界杯的官方会歌。
《非洲时刻》(Waka Waka,英语:This Time For Africa) ,演唱:夏奇拉(Shakira)
《飘扬的旗帜》(Wavin’ Flag) 演唱:K’naan和David Bisbal


THE SUMMER OF ITALY Italy’s summer 《意大利之夏》Italy Summer 英文版歌词: Italy Summer this is what we’ve worked for our lives reaching for the highest goal we can we choose to give it all when competition calls time records the victory in our hearts to win or lose is not the only thing it’s all in how we play the fairest game this is the chance we take reaching for the top time records the victory in our hearts to be number one running like the wind playing hard but always playing fair (oh yeah) to be number one winning again and again reaching higher through italian sky this is what we’ve worked for all our lives skining like a shooting star at night we’ve got to give it all when we hear the call time records the victory in our hearts to be number one running like the wind playing hard but always playing fair (oh year) to be number one winning again and again reaching higher through italian sky to be number one running like the wind playing hard but always playing fair (oh year) to be number one winning again and again reaching higher through italian sky


Un’estate Italiana 《意大利之夏》Italy Summer
Italy Summer
this is what we’ve worked for our lives
reaching for the highest goal we can
we choose to give it all
when competition calls
time records the victory in our hearts
to win or lose is not the only thing
it’s all in how we play the fairest game
this is the chance we take
reaching for the top
time records the victory in our hearts
to be number one
running like the wind
playing hard but always playing fair
(oh yeah)
to be number one
winning again and again
reaching higher
through italian sky
this is what we’ve worked for all our lives
skining like a shooting star at night
we’ve got to give it all
when we hear the call
time records the victory in our hearts
to be number one
running like the wind
playing hard but always playing fair
(oh year)
to be number one
winning again and again
reaching higher
through italian sky
to be number one
running like the wind
playing hard but always playing fair
(oh year)
to be number one
winning again and again
reaching higher
through italian sky
to be number one!

找一首英文歌曲 里面有句歌词是number one

  • everyone is no.1

  • stright to number one ——touch and go

求1990年意大利世界杯主题歌 意大利之夏英文版

To Be Number One(1990年意大利世界杯主题曲)

(Official Song Of Fifa World Cup)
Music: Giorgio Mororder
Lyric: Whitlock/Bennato/Nannini
This is what we’ve worked for all our lives
Reaching for the highest goal we can
We choose to give it all
When competition cals
Time records the victory in our hearts
To win or lose is not the only thing
It’s all in how we play the fairest game
This is the chance we take
Reaching for the top
Time records the victory in our hearts
To be number one
Running like the wind
Playing hard - but always playing fair
(Oh year)
To be number one
Winning again and again
Reaching higher -
To be number one
This is what we’ve wanted all our lives
Shining like a shooting star at night
We’ve got to give it all
When we hear the call
Time records the victory in our hearts
To be number one
Running like the wind
Playing haed - but always playing fair
(Oh year)
To be number one
Winning again and again
Reaching higher
To be number one
To be number one...


Forse non sara una canzone   A cambiare le regole del gioco   Ma voglio viverla cosi quest’ avventura   Senza frontiere e con il cuore in gola   E it mondo in una giostra di colori   E il vento accarezza le bandiere   Arriva un bivido e ti trascina via   E sciogi in un abbraccio la follia   Notti magiche   Inseguendo un goal   Sotto il cieto   Di un’estate italiana   E negli occhi tuoi   Voglia di vincere   Un’estate   Un avventura in piu   Quel sognio che comincia da bambino   E che ti porta sempre piu lontano   Non e una favola - e diagli spogliatoi   Escono i ragazza e siamo noi   Notti magiche   Inseguendo un goal   Sotto il cielo   Di un’estate italiana   E negli occhi tuoi   Voglia di vincere   Un’ estate   Un avventura in piu   Notti magiche   Inseguendo un goal(Inseguendo un goal)   Sotto il cielo   Di un’estate italiana(na na na na)   E negli occhi tuoi   Voglia di vincere   Un’ estate   Un avventura in piu   Un avventura   Un avventura in piu   Un avventura   Goal !本段中文歌词
  这里并不是曼舞轻唱   相聚在一起斗胜争强   热烈欢迎你们来自四面八方   就在赛场上拼搏较量   罗马城被装扮得更辉煌   万国旗在迎着风儿飘扬   到达罗马时候一片激动心情   此刻化作了斗志昂扬   意大利之夏蓝天闪着光   增进友谊是所有人的期望   绿茵球场上又热烈又紧张   欢声雷动看谁战胜对方!   小时候常站在那看台旁   幻想有一天驰骋球场上   经过多少岁月经历多少拼搏   如今终于实现梦想   看谁战胜对方、谁战胜对方   看谁战胜对方、看谁战胜对方
Maybe it will not be a song that changed the rules of the game But I want to live like this’ adventure without boundaries and with a beating heart.And it world in a carousel of color and the wind caresses the flags comes a bivido you away and dissolve, dilute, and in an embrace the madness.Pursuing a goal magical nights under the Italian society of summer And in your eyes Teen Wolf Summer.One more adventure in the dream that began as a child and it always takes you farther and not a fairy tale - come out and give it the locker room girl and we Magical Nights.Pursuing a goal under the sky of a summer in your eyes And Italian Teen Wolf An ’A summer adventure in the most.Magical Nights Chasing a goal (Chasing a goal) under the sky of a summer Italian (na na na na) And in your eyes.A will to win ’A Summer Adventure in a more adventure An adventure in more adventure A Goal!