


shqlly shqlly 发表于2022-10-31 18:46:35 浏览73 评论0




  清教思想在殖民时期的文学作品中主要有两方面的代表:一方面女诗人安妮.布雷兹特里特(Anne Bradstreet)的诗歌和神学家乔纳森.爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards)的宗教著作是清教传统中虔诚精神和理想主义的代表;另一方面本杰明.富兰克林的《自传》(The Autobiography)则体现了清教传统中“务实以奉上帝”的思想。
  爱德华兹在作品《自述》(Personal Narrative)中说:“我常因默想神和神的荣美以及主耶稣基督的良善,而感到甘甜和喜乐。我觉得神是荣耀可爱的……神有至高的权柄,神白白地赐人恩典……人绝对地需要依靠圣灵的运行,这对我是荣耀的,也是使我大有喜乐的。我最乐意到神的面前,敬拜他为至高的神,祈求他大施怜悯。”他的作品目的在于唤醒人们的原罪意识,承认上帝无所不在,顺从上帝,追求精神上与上帝融为一体,从而获得内心的喜悦和满足。同爱德华兹相比,富兰克林则同时受到了清教思想和启蒙运动的影响,他在《自传》中罗列的勤劳、俭朴、节制等13条美德大多是清教主义所宣扬的信条。富兰克林更关注现实世界,通过自我奋斗,白手起家,创造财富证明自己是上帝的选民。富兰克林代表的美国人的形象是“美国梦”的集中体现。他的作品反映了资本主义上升时期北美人民觉醒,追求繁荣幸福生活的时代风貌。
  十九世纪初期弥漫欧洲大陆的浪漫主义文学开始影响美国。它所提倡的注重精神、崇尚个人、歌颂自然的一系列思想同北美的清教思想结合起来,便产生了超验主义(Transcendentalism),代表了美国浪漫主义的最高阶段。拉尔夫.爱默生的《论自然》(Nature)和亨利.梭罗(Henry Thoreau)的《华尔腾》(Walden, or Life in the Woods)是超验主义的代表作。受到爱德华兹的影响,他们在作品中强调人的精神的重要性,人因能体现上帝的存在而神圣,同时热情讴歌大自然。梭罗为了实践自己的超验主义思想,在华尔腾湖畔度过了二年多的野外生活,歌颂自然以及人与自然的和谐共存,批判开始在美国盛行的拜金主义和物质主义,认为只有在大自然中才能找寻生命的真正价值。



《富兰克林自传》英文读后感 篇1

Franklin“s autobiography is a film influenced several generations of Americans after hundreds of years enduring inspirational“s wonderful, it contains insights of struggle and success in life, and the true meaning of beauty in all kinds of good moral, was recognized as changing the fate of countless people United States essential reading. There is no doubt he was one of the most distinguished in the history of the most successful people. This book has warned people to stay away from bad habits, away from mediocrity. Improving the quality of life, personality, and achieve the goal of self-improvement.

Throughout his life, Franklin is not terribly favorable environment for the growth, it should be said is a relatively bland appearance, was born in 1706 in Boston in North America, has 17 children rank 15 at home. Father was a small businessman engaged in wax and SOAP, into the school in just two years, family distress after dropping out. At the age of 2 brother“s printing shop apprentices, apprenticeship days is hard, but he was an apprentice of spare time to work hard, read lots of books. In terms of politics, science, history, literature, has laid a solid foundation. He also through the skillful use of self-study French: Italy language, Spain language, Latin.

In 1726 proprietary Franklin printing factory, thriving from this cause. Has created a United States dreams tale, he printed and issued a huge impact of the Pennsylvania. He invented the lightning rod, dual-use glasses, new furnaces and modern street lights. He pioneered the North American colonies death without joint slogan and drafted the Declaration of independence was published in 1771 had changed the destiny of the millions of others, of the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin the book vividly describes his process of growth. Has warned people to be positive.

This book much better motto in life is felt in the life of Franklin, read this book not only to realize that life motto, but also in light of its own culture and other aspects of human nature self improvement, each chapter of this book tells are true picture of his life, chapter tells the person the feeling of doing things, and provide me with a lot of inspiration.

In his view, reading is the key to success for his happiness. books are priceless, is he the greatest joy. Give us wisdom, strengthen our resolve, enables us to walk with wisdom, lofty intellect fills our souls.

Franklin attaches great importance to their virtues. Therefore, he himself put forward 13 requirements, are: moderation, live quiet, orderly, determination, and frugal, diligence, honesty, justice, moderation, clean, quiet, chaste and modest man. He has been trying to get to do that, even though he is difficult to fully meet the requirements, but he was persistent. I want to be able to do it that 13 people, has been called saints, and in fact such perfect really rare, but to pursue such a perfect person can make great achievements in virtue. My goal is to develop these virtues in their possession, so I think it is best not to all at once try to, I think it is very difficult to do, or in a period of focus on one point, for good. Such virtue into habit I, followed by training in another. So I schedule an abstinence first the cultivation of virtue, because it requires calm, clarity of thought. Such a cool head and clear thinking is necessary, the only way to keep vigilant against the inertia of old habits and temptations to contain never exhausted. Having obtained this virtue in much easier to cultivate virtue.

Early in the debate also see Franklin is not modest, I have often made similar mistakes, debates, when there is no need to very b overwhelm people, although at the time might give them a certain amount of pleasure, but be sure to experience the feelings of others.

Was impressed by their Franklin was honored as a United States-Sen level character, can last a lifetime to keep thrifty style of work, has made monumental contributions to social welfare undertakings, comparing their own impetuous and most people now shows how.

I wish people would later need in: taciturn, modest, frugal, and mindful that removing these bad habits, perhaps to his growing up will have a lot of help. There is one thing, I think it is necessary, is that everyone should use this book and understand educational public utilities such as impact on humans as well as a city, State.

Franklin said the saying: it seems to me, to bring happiness to mankind, is not so much the chance of a huge fortune, that was going on at all times around them much trivial for it. I think, this is very instructive to remind people: not just those lucky once in a blue moon, ignoring little things around; the phrase is also very good explanation of Franklin“s invention of the benefit of mankind and why he became an inventor.

Franklin in so many areas to make have an impact on the world, should rely to a large extent his habits much to my regret, cannot see the biography of his life, perhaps I was more interested in part of his life, often in this way, love to see a brilliant side.

After watching the rotation of the Franklin, deep perception of people can not be conquered by the inert and cannot be bound by the original self. To move forward is to log on the move.

《富兰克林自传》英文读后感 篇2

In this term, I read the book The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, in the book, he showed us what his childhood was like and what he came to value as meaningful and worthwhile techniques of communication, conduct, and self-improvement.

Franklin was not in favorable growth environment, and it should be a relatively plain appearance. In 1706 he was born in North America, the home Top 15 of 17 children. His Father is involved in wax and soap as a small businessman, Franklin entered the school for about two years before dropping out of school because of family distress. Then he went to work as an apprentice in his brother’s printing shop, the apprentice days was very difficult, but he did a good use of the apprenticeship leisure time to study hard, and read a lot of books in politics, science, history and literature. He was also proficient in the use of French, Italian, Spanish and Latin by himself.

In 1726 Franklin manages a printing factory, it was a great success which created a legend of the American dream, and he printed a huge impact Pennsylvania. He invented the lightning rod, dual-purpose glasses, new stove and new lights. He pioneered the North American colonies the slogan that is not join are the death and drafted out the drafting of Declaration of Independence published in 1771 which changed the fate of countless people, and this book gave a description of its process of growth and exhorted the people to be positive.

there are a lot of Proverbs in this book that Franklin felt in his life, reading this book is not only to feel the sentiment, but also to combine their training and humanity and then to improve ourselves, the book describes each chapter are a true portrayal of his life and tell us how to get all the perception which inspired me very much

In his view, reading is the key to success. Book is invaluable he greatest joy. Books give us wisdom, strengthen our determination and let us have the wisdom of the trip of our life.

Franklin attaches great importance to his own virtue. Therefore, he proposed to 13 requirements for himself namely: control, quiet, orderly life, determination, frugality, diligence, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility. He has been trying to do that, though he cannot completely meet the requirements, but he was persistent. The people who can meet the 13 requirements can be called saints of the fact that people are rarely perfect, but it can pursue such a perfect people in the United States and Germany who have achieved great success. My goal is to cultivate these virtues in himself, so I think it is best not to try all at once, I think it is very difficult, or in a period of time focused on one thing for the good. I will cultivate this virtue into habit, and then in another culture. So I arranged for the virtues of moderation training at first, because it needs to stay calm and think clearly. This cool-headed and clear thinking is necessary; the only way to always be vigilant is to resist the inertia of old habits and curb the temptation. If we have the excellence we can get other excellence much easier in exchange.

Also seen in the debate, Franklin was not humble when he was young, I often make that mistake, when there is no need to overwhelm people with very b tone, although at the time it could have brought their own pleasure, but we need to understand other people“s feelings.

Franklin was revered as the father of America for his impressive image that can maintain a frugal life style of work for the public welfare and make immortal contributions, compared to my own and the majority of people we can knew how impetuous we are.

I hope people will need: reticent, modest, frugal, more importance in the future to remove these bad habits, those things may be of great help to our growth. What’s more, I think it is necessary for everyone to by this book, which can have a better understanding of education, public utilities, as well as a human city, country effects.

Benjamin Franklin once said this sentence: In my view, the things can bring happiness to mankind is not so much the great golden lucky, might as well say is the convenience all the time around. I think these words were very inspiring words, not only those rare good fortune, while ignoring the little things around; but also this sentence is also very good explain for Franklin“s invention of those who benefit mankind and the reason for he became a inventor .

Franklin can make great success in so many areas which have a huge impact on the world affairs, should be largely dependent on his habits, very sorry I could not see his biography later life, perhaps he“s more interested in some of my later life, in fact, people often like to see a brilliant side.

After reading Franklin“s autobiography, a deep sense I received is that people cannot be conquered by inertia, cannot be the original self-restraint. To move forward to what we should aim at.

《富兰克林自传》英文读后感 篇3

In this clear, crisply written story of his life, Benjamin Franklin shows the reader what his childhood was like and what he came to value as meaningful and worthwhile techniques of communication, conduct, and self-improvement. A conscientious and serious youth, Franklin nevertheless left his boyhood town because he had impregnated a young lady. This early act of responsibility led him to pursue work that led him, in the coming years of the American Revolution, to be a b advocate of political independence, even at the cost of war. Franklin became as fine a statesman as ever the United States was to produce. One of the country“s founding fathers and a tireless champion of individual liberty, he also served as the American ambassador to France. He tells of how he learned the printing trade and how he established Poor Richard“s Almanac. He also shares with his readers his hopes for the free country that he helped to bring into being. The reader cannot help but admire this brilliant and brave founding father, as much for his humility as for his services to his country and its future citizens.




常常借鉴文学的写作手法,改进报纸文体,发表一系列措辞巧妙的随笔小品,使报纸具有较高的文学水平;最后... 它的风格是敢做敢为,而且文学水平高。詹姆士·富兰克林最重要的贡献是他开创的独立的传统深深影响美国 答案补充 睿智和洞见、高屋建瓴、远见卓识,以及细致缜



