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米兰大教堂的大厅有着显著的哥特式风格建筑的特点:中厅较长而宽度较窄,长约130米,宽约59米,两侧支柱的间距不大,形成自入口导向祭坛的强烈动势。 中厅高度很高,顶部最高处距地面45米。宏伟的大厅被四排柱子分开,大厅圣坛周围支撑中央塔楼的四根柱子,每根高40米,直径达到10米,由大块花岗岩砌叠而成,外包大理石。12根较小圆柱,柱子加上柱头总高约26米,直径3.5米。这些柱子共同支撑着重达1.4万吨重的拱形屋顶,柱与柱之间有金属杆件拉结,形成5道走廊。两侧束柱柱头弱化消退,垂直线控制室内划分,尖尖的拱券在拱顶相交,如同自地下生长出来的挺拔枝杆,形成很强的向上升腾的动势。两个动势体现对神的崇敬和对天国向往的暗示。
教堂的地下有砖砌的深度为4-8米的空间。这儿能看见是大教堂基础的圣特库拉教堂的遗址。此外,在正面深处入口开始是地下的宝物库,从正中间靠里右手的入口可以去往屋顶。 教堂内部也全由白色大理石筑成。
在所有柱子的柱头上都有小龛,内置雕像,手工精美。顶四周刻有8座石像穹隆,殿内的雕像有800多座。 堂内还藏有许多艺术珍品和米兰名人的陵墓。 一直以来一些闻名的神父,选择了安葬在大教堂之下,所以米兰大教堂可以堪称神圣的圣殿。教堂大厅供奉着十五世纪时米兰大主教的遗体,头部是白银筑就,躯体是主教真身。
此外,教堂内还有宝物库和米兰大教堂博物馆(Museodel Duomo)等,供游人参观。 大教堂博物馆(Museodel Duomo )展示有装饰大教堂的雕刻的原作。
教堂内设有两座登顶电梯,游客只需支付很少的费用,就可以登上教堂顶部俯瞰米兰风光。 由于这座教堂十分著名,除教徒之外,每天游客比肩接踵,为了方便参观这座古建筑进门处设有许多部电子解说装置,有荧光屏幕显示,只要投入少量硬币,便可观看彩色幻灯,意、英、法、德、西班牙五种语言随意选择,为不同国家的访游者提供良好服务。


Milan’s layout, with streets either radiating from the Duomo or circling it, reveals that the Duomo occupies the most central site in Roman Mediolanum, that of the public basilica facing the forum. Saint Ambrose’s ’New Basilica’ was built on this site at the beginning of the 5th century, with an adjoining basilica added in 836. When a fire damaged both buildings in 1075, they were rebuilt as the Duomo.
The beginning
In 1386, Archbishop Antonio da Saluzzo began construction in a rayonnant Late Gothic style more typically French than Italian. Construction coincided with the accession to power in Milan of the archbishop’s cousin Gian Galeazzo Visconti, and was meant as a reward to the noble and working classes which had been suppressed by his tyrannical Visconti predecessor Barnabò. Before actual work began, three main buildings were demolished: the palace of the Archbishop, the Ordinari Palace and the Baptistry of ’St. Stephen at the Spring’, while the old church of Sta. Maria Maggiore was exploited as a stone quarry. Enthusiasm for the immense new building soon spread among the population, and the shrewd Gian Galeazzo, together with his cousin the archbishop, collected large donations for the work-in-progress. The construction program was strictly regulated under the “Fabbrica del Duomo“, which had 300 employees led by first chief engineer Simone da Orsenigo. Galeazzo gave the Fabbrica exclusive use of the marble from the Candoglia quarry and exempted it from taxes.
In 1389, a French chief engineer, Nicolas de Bonaventure, was appointed, adding to the church its strong Gothic imprint. Ten years later another French architect, Jean Mignot, was called from Paris to judge and improve upon the work done, as the masons needed new technical aid to lift stones to an unprecedented height. Mignot declared all the work done up till then as in pericolo di ruina (“peril of ruin“), as it had been done sine scienzia (“without science“). In the following years Mignot’s forecasts proved untrue, but anyway they spurred Galeazzo’s engineers to improve their instruments and techniques. Work proceeded quickly, and at the death of Gian Galeazzo in 1402, almost half the cathedral was complete. Construction, however, stalled almost totally until 1480, due to lack of money and ideas: the most notable works of this period were the tombs of Marco Carelli and Pope Martin V (1424) and the windows of the apse (1470s), of which those extant portray St. John the Evangelist, by Cristoforo de’ Mottis, and Saint Eligius and San John of Damascus, both by Niccolò da Varallo. In 1452, under Francesco Sforza, the nave and the aisles were completed up to the sixth bay.
In 1500 to 1510, under Ludovico Sforza, the octagonal cupola was completed, and decorated in the interior with four series of 15 statues each, portraying saints, prophets, sibyls and other characters of the Bible. The exterior long remained without any decoration, except for the Guglietto dell’Amadeo (“Amadeo’s Little Spire“), constructed 1507-1510. This is a Renaissance masterwork which nevertheless harmonized well with the general Gothic appearance of the church.
During the subsequent Spanish domination, the new church proved usable, even though the interior remained largely unfinished, and some bays of the nave and the transepts were still missing. In 1552 Giacomo Antegnati was commissioned to build a large organ for the north side of the choir, and Giuseppe Meda provided four of the sixteen pales which were to decorate the altar area (the program was completed by Federico Borromeo). In 1562, Marco d’ Lopez’s St. Bartholomew and the famous Trivulzio candelabrum (12th century) were added.
Carlo Borromeo
After the accession of the ambitious Carlo Borromeo to the archbishop’s throne, all lay monuments were removed from the Duomo. These included the tombs of Giovanni, Barnabò and Filippo Maria Visconti, Francesco and his wife Bianca, Galeazzo Maria and Lodovico Sforza, which were brought to unknown destinations. However, Borromeo’s main intervention was the appointment, in 1571, of Pellegrino Pellegrini as chief engineer— a contentious move, since to appoint Pellegrino, who was not a lay brother of the duomo, required a revision of the Fabbrica’s statutes.
Borromeo and Pellegrini strove for a new, Renaissance appearance for the cathedral, that would emphasise its Roman / Italian nature, and subdue the Gothic style, which was now seen as foreign. As the façade still was largely incomplete, Pellegrini designed a “Roman“ style one, with columns, obelisks and a large tympanum. When Pellegrini’s design was revealed, a competition for the design of the facade was announced, and this elicited nearly a dozen entries, including by Antonio Barca .
This design was never carried out, but the interior decoration continued: in 1575-1585 the presbytery was rebuilt, while new altars and the baptistry were added in the nave.
Wooden choir stalls were constructed by 1614 for the main altar by Francesco Brambilla.
In 1577 Borromeo finally consecrated the whole edifice as a new church, distinct from the old Santa Maria Maggiore and Santa Tecla (which had been unified in 1549 after heavy disputes).
17th century

The cathedral as it looked in 1745.At the beginning of the 17th century Federico Borromeo had the foundations of the new façade laid by Francesco Maria Richini and Fabio Mangone. Work continued until 1638 with the construction of five portals and two middle windows. In 1649, however, the new chief architect Carlo Buzzi introduced a striking revolution: the façade was to revert to original Gothic style, including the already finished details within big Gothic pilasters and two giant belfries. Other designs were provided by, among others, Filippo Juvarra (1733) and Luigi Vanvitelli (1745), but all remained unapplied. In 1682 the façade of Santa Maria Maggiore was demolished and the cathedral’s roof covering completed.
In 1762 one of the main features of the cathedral, the Madonnina’s spire, was erected at the dizzying height of 108.5 m. The spire was designed by Francesco Croce and sports at the top a famous polychrome Madonnina statue, designed by Giuseppe Perego that befits the original stature of the cathedral.Given Milan’s notoriously damp and foggy climate, the Milanese consider it a fair-weather day when the Madonnina is visible from a distance, as it is so often covered by mist.

The Duomo di Milano in 1856On May 20, 1805, Napoleon Bonaparte, about to be crowned King of Italy, ordered the façade to be finished. In his enthusiasm, he assured that all expenses would fall to the French treasurer, who would reimburse the Fabbrica for the real estate it had to sell. Even though this reimbursement was never paid, it still meant that finally, within only seven years, the Cathedral had its façade completed. The new architect, Francesco Soave, largely followed Buzzi’s project, adding some neo-Gothic details to the upper windows. As a form of thanksgiving, a statue of Napoleon was placed at the top of one of the spires. Napoleon was crowned King of Italy at the Duomo.
In the following years, most of the missing arches and spires were constructed. The statues on the southern wall were also finished, while in 1829-1858, new stained glass windows replaced the old ones, though with less aesthetically significant results. The last details of the cathedral were finished only in the 20th century: the last gate was inaugurated on January 6, 1965. This date is considered the very end of a process which had proceeded for generations, although even now, some uncarved blocks remain to be completed as statues. The Duomo’s main facade went under renovation from 2003 to early 2009: as of February 2009, it has been completely uncovered, showing again the colors of the Candoglia marble.
Architecture and art

Interior view.
Detail of windows from the exterior.
Tomb of archbishop Alberto da Intimiano.The cathedral of Milano is often described as one of the greatest churches in the world. The ground plan is of a nave with five aisles, crossed by a transept and then followed by choir and apsis. The height of the nave is about 45 meters, the highest Gothic vaults of a complete church (less than the 48 meters of Beauvais Cathedral that was never completed).
The roof is open to tourists (for a fee), which allows many a close-up view of some spectacular sculpture that would otherwise be unappreciated. The roof of the cathedral is renowned for the forest of openwork pinnacles and spires, set upon delicate flying buttresses.
The cathedral’s five wide naves, divided by 40 pillars, are reflected in the hierarchic openings of the facade. Even the transepts have aisles. The nave columns are 24.5 metres (80 ft) high, and the apsidal windows are 20.7 x 8.5 metres (68 x 28 feet). The huge building is of brick construction, faced with marble from the quarries which Gian Galeazzo Visconti donated in perpetuity to the cathedral chapter. Its maintenance and repairs are very complicated.
Gothic architecture is a style of architecture which flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture.
Originating in 12th-century France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic architecture was known during the period as “the French Style“ (Opus Francigenum), with the term Gothic first appearing during the latter part of the Renaissance as a stylistic insult. Its characteristic features include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress.
Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches of Europe. It is also the architecture of many castles, palaces, town halls, guild halls, universities, and to a less prominent extent, private dwellings.
It is in the great churches and cathedrals and in a number of civic buildings that the Gothic style was expressed most powerfully, its characteristics lending themselves to appeal to the emotions. A great number of ecclesiastical buildings remain from this period, of which even the smallest are often structures of architectural distinction while many of the larger churches are considered priceless works of art and are listed with UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. For this reason a study of Gothic architecture is largely a study of cathedrals and churches.
A series of Gothic revivals began in mid-18th century England, spread through 19th-century Europe and continued, largely for ecclesiastical and university structures, into the 20th century


在米兰大教堂广场左侧有维多利奥·埃玛努埃尔二世长廊,建于1865 -1877年长廊呈十字形,长196米,宽47米,高47米廊顶呈拱园形,顶上装有彩色玻璃棚。地面是用大理石铺成的马赛克图案。巨大的拱形建筑富丽堂皇,长廊内有装璜考究的金银首饰、时装、礼品店、餐馆,咖啡厅和书店。这里是米兰市民的休闲中心,到处是休息的市民及观光客,常年很热闹。穿过维多利奥·埃玛努埃尔二世长廊来到的斯卡拉广场(Piazza della Scala )上有列奥尔德·达·芬奇的雕像。


米兰大教堂(Duomo di Milano),意大利著名的天主教堂,又称“杜莫主教堂”、多魔大教堂,位于意大利米兰市,是米兰的主座教堂,也是世界五大教堂之一,规模居世界第二。于公元1386年开工建造,1500年完成拱顶,1774年中央塔上的镀金圣母玛丽亚雕像就位。1965年完工,历时五个世纪。不仅是米兰的象征,也是米兰市的中心。拿破仑曾于1805年在米兰大教堂举行加冕仪式。


1386年,在米兰的第一位公爵吉安·加莱亚佐·维斯孔蒂(Galeazzo Visconti Ⅲ)怂恿下,这座教堂开始兴建,各国工程师纷纷设计方案。吉安·加莱亚佐·维斯孔蒂希望这一举措能感动上帝.赐他一个男性继承人。上帝施恩于他,可就在15世纪早期,维斯孔蒂的后代——残暴的乔瓦尼·马里亚在上台后不久就遭暗杀。


米兰大教堂(Milan Cathedral),意大利著名的天主教堂,又称“杜莫主教堂”、多魔大教堂、朵摸教堂,位于意大利米兰市,是世界五大教堂之一,规模居世界第二。米兰位于阿尔卑斯山南麓奥隆那河畔,是一座历史悠久的古老名城,是意大利的第二大城市。它 于公元1386年开工建造,1500年完成拱顶,1774年中央塔上的镀金圣母玛丽亚雕像就位。1965年完工,历时五个世纪。不仅是米兰的象征,也是米兰的中心。拿破仑曾于1805年在米兰大教堂举行加冕仪式。