

冰岛历史,由来简介?冰岛 英文简介

shqlly shqlly 发表于2022-10-13 02:47:27 浏览78 评论0




面积为10.3万平方公里,为欧洲第二大岛。是欧洲最西部的国家,位于北大西洋中部 首都雷克雅未克
,北边紧贴北极圈,冰岛1/8被冰川覆盖,冰川面积占8000平方公里,海岸线长约4970公里。 整个冰岛是个碗状高地,四周为海岸山脉,中间为一高原。大部分是台地,台地高度大多在400至800米之间,个别山峰可达1300至1700米,冰岛最高峰是华纳达尔斯赫努克山(2119米)。低地面积很小,西部和西南部分布有海成平原和冰水冲积平原,平原面积占全岛的7%左右。无冰川流过的海岸线不规则,多峡湾、小海湾。其他沿海地区主要为沙滩,岸外的沙洲形成潟湖。   冰岛有100多座火山,以“极圈火岛”之名著称,共有火山200至300座,有40至50座活火山。主要的火山有拉基火山、华纳达尔斯火山、海克拉火山与卡特拉火山等等。华纳达尔斯赫努克火山为全国最高峰,海拔2119米。冰岛几乎整个国家都建立在火山岩石上,大部分土地不能开垦,1963年至1967年在西南岸的火山活动形成了一个约2.1平方公里的小岛。   冰岛是世界温泉最多的国家,所以被称为“冰火之国”。全岛约有250个碱性温泉,最大的温泉每秒可产生200升的泉水。   冰岛多喷泉、瀑布、湖泊和湍急河流,最大河流锡尤尔骚河长227公里。冰岛属寒温带海洋性气候,变化无常。因受北大西洋暖流影响,较同纬度的其他地方温和。夏季日照长,冬季日照极短。秋季和冬初可见极光。 冰岛有“火山岛”、“雾岛”、“冰封的土地”、“冰与火之岛”之称。

冰岛 英文简介

Iceland (Icelandic, Ísland), island republic, in the North Atlantic Ocean, about 300 km (about 185 mi) east of Greenland and about 1,000 km (about 620 mi) west of Norway. The country’s extreme dimensions are about 305 km (about 190 mi) from north to south and about 485 km (about 300 mi) from east to west. Iceland has an area of 103,000 sq km (39,800 sq mi).
In shape Iceland is generally elliptic, and the coastline, with a total length of 4,990 km (3,100 mi), is deeply indented, especially in the west and north. Important embayments on the West Coast are Faxaflói (bay) and Breiðafjörður (fjord). Projecting northwest between the latter and Húnaflói (bay), one of the major indentations on the northern coast, is an irregularly formed peninsula fringed by precipitous cliffs. The peninsular coastline makes up about 30 percent of the total for the island. Volcanic in origin, Iceland consists predominantly of uninhabitable lava tablelands with mountainous outcroppings; the lowlands, situated mainly along the southwestern coast, occupy about 25 percent of the total area. The bulk of the Icelandic population lives along the coast, particularly in the southwest.
Elevations in the uplands average between about 610 and 915 m (about 2,000 and 3,000 ft). Hvannadalshnúkur (2,119 m/6,952 ft), in the southeast, is the highest summit. Nearly 15 percent of the surface of the island is covered by snowfields and glaciers. Vatnajökull, a glacier in the southeast, has an area of 8,456 sq km (3,265 sq mi). The island has more than 120 glaciers and numerous small lakes and swift-flowing rivers.
Iceland is remarkable for the number of its volcanoes, craters, and thermal springs and for the frequency of its earthquakes. More than 100 volcanoes, including at least 25 that have erupted in historic times, are situated on the island. Noteworthy among the volcanoes are Hekla (1,491 m/4,892 ft), which has erupted many times, including in 1766, 1947, and 1980, and nearby Laki, with about 100 separate craters. Vast lava fields have been created by volcanoes, and many eruptions have caused widespread devastation. In 1783, when the only known eruption of Laki occurred, molten lava, volcanic ashes and gases, and torrential floods resulting from melting ice and snow led to the deaths of more than 9,000 people, ruined large tracts of arable land, and destroyed about 80 percent of the livestock on the island. In 1963 an ocean-floor volcano erupted off the southwestern coast of Iceland, creating Surtsey Island. In 1973 a volcano on Heimaey Island became active, forcing the evacuation of the island’s main town, Vestmannaeyjar.
Thermal springs are common in Iceland. Particularly numerous in the volcanic areas, the springs occur as geysers, as boiling mud lakes, and in various other forms. Geysir, generally regarded as the most spectacular, erupts at irregular intervals (usually from 5 to 36 hr), ejecting a column of boiling water up to about 60 m (about 200 ft) in height. Most homes and industrial establishments in the Reykjavík area are heated by water piped from nearby hot springs.
A Climate
Iceland has a relatively mild and equable climate, despite its high altitude and its proximity to the Arctic. Because of oceanic influences, notably the North Atlantic Drift (a continuation of the Gulf Stream), climatic conditions are moderate in all sections of the island. The mean annual temperature at Reykjavík is about 5° C (about 41° F), with a range from -1° C (31° F) in January to 11° C (52° F) in July. In the northwestern, northern, and eastern coastal regions, subject to the effects of polar currents and drifting ice, temperatures are generally lower. Windstorms of considerable violence are characteristic during much of the winter season. Annual precipitation ranges between about 1,270 and 2,030 mm (about 50 and 80 in) along the southern coast, and is only about 510 mm (about 20 in) along the northern coast. The southern slopes of some of Iceland’s interior mountains receive up to about 4,570 mm (about 180 in) of moisture per year.
B Plants and Animals
The vegetation of Iceland is of the arctic European type. Grass and heather are abundant along the southern coast and afford pasturage for sheep and other livestock. Extensive forests probably existed on the island in prehistoric times, but present-day trees, such as birch and spruce, are relatively scarce. Bilberries and crowberries are the only kinds of fruit that grow on the island. The arctic fox was probably living in Iceland at the time of the first human settlement. Reindeer were introduced about 1770; rodents were brought in on ships. Neither reptiles nor frogs and toads are found. About 100 species of birds inhabit the island; many of these species are aquatic, among them the whistling swan and several kinds of duck. The eider duck is valued for its down. Whales and seals live along the coast, as do cod, haddock, halibut, and herring. Many salmon and trout inhabit Iceland’s freshwater rivers and lakes.
The population of Iceland is extremely homogeneous, being almost entirely of Scandinavian and Celtic origin. Beginning in the 1940s a large-scale movement to the coastal towns and villages has occurred. Some 92 percent of the people now live in cities and towns. The population of Iceland (2002 estimate) is 279,384. The overall population density is 2.7 persons per sq km (7 per sq mi).
A Political Divisions and Principal Cities
Iceland is divided into eight regions, each with its own administrative center. Reykjavík (population, 1998 estimate, 108,351) is the capital and chief port. Other towns are Akureyri (15,102), on the northern coast; Kópavogur (21,370), Hafnarfjörður (18,600), and Keflavík (7,637), on the western coast near Reykjavík; and Vestmannaeyjar (4,640), on the tiny island of Heimaey off the southern coast.
B Religion and Language
The state church of Iceland is the Evangelical Lutheran church, with which about 90 percent of the people are affiliated. Complete religious freedom exists, however. Free Lutherans and Roman Catholics make up a small minority. The language is Icelandic, which has remained closer to the Old Norse of Iceland’s original Viking settlers than to the other Scandinavian languages. See Icelandic Language; Icelandic Literature.
C Education
Literacy in Iceland approaches 100 percent of the adult population. Education is free through the university level and is compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and 16. In the 1998-1999 school year 30,355 pupils were enrolled in primary schools, 30,253 students attended secondary and vocational schools, and 7386 were enrolled in higher institutions. The leading institution of higher education is the University of Iceland (1911), in Reykjavík. The country also has a technical college and colleges of agriculture and music as well as teacher-training schools.
The principal libraries of Iceland are the University Library, the National Library, and the City Library, all located in Reykjavík. The capital is also the site of the Museum of Natural History; the National Museum, containing a major collection of Icelandic antiquities; and an art gallery housing the work of the Icelandic sculptor Einar Jónsson.
Private enterprise forms the basis of the economy of Iceland, but the government exercises a considerable degree of control and supervision over key sectors. Until the close of the 19th century, agriculture was the chief occupation, with fishing as a supplementary source of income. By the middle of the 20th century, however, fishing and fish processing had become the major industries. Hydroelectric power potential is abundant and is being developed to further industrialization. In 1970 Iceland became a member of the European Free Trade Association. The national budget in 1998 included revenue of $2.4 billion and expenditure of $2.4 billion. Iceland suffered from a high rate of inflation in the late 1970s and the 1980s, but the rate decreased substantially in the early 1990s. In 2000 Iceland’s gross domestic product was $8.5 billion.
A Agriculture
Only 9 percent of Iceland’s labor force is engaged in agriculture and fishing. Only 0.07 percent of the land area is under cultivation. The principal crops are turnips and potatoes. Livestock raising is a major occupation, and considerable quantities of dairy products, wool, mutton and lamb, and chicken eggs are produced. In 2001 the country had 465,000 sheep, 72,100 cattle, and 77,330 horses.
B Fishing
Fishing and fish processing are the most important Icelandic industries, and the total catch in 1997 was 2.2 million metric tons. Food products, including fresh and processed fish, account for 70 percent of Iceland’s exports. Iceland is a leading producer of cod, and other major components of the catch include capelin, haddock, crustaceans, herring, redfish, and saithe. Coastal towns have extensive facilities for fish processing. In response to international pressure, Iceland suspended all whaling operations in 1989. However, in June 1992 Iceland withdrew from the International Whaling Commission, disputing the designation of some species of whales as endangered and claiming that certain species threatened Iceland’s commercial fish population.
C Mining
Iceland has few proven mineral resources, and profitable development has been difficult. Minerals of commercial value include pumice and diatomite.
D Manufacturing
Aside from fish processing, manufacturing is primarily for domestic consumption needs. Principal products are clothing, shoes, soaps, and chemicals. Book production is also a large trade in Iceland. Some electrical appliances are made. In addition, major plants producing aluminum (from imported bauxite) and ferrosilicon have been established to take advantage of Iceland’s energy resources.
E Energy
Hydroelectric installations produce 85 percent of Iceland’s electricity, with geothermal sources supplying the rest. Output in 1999 was 7.1 billion kilowatt hours. Hot water from springs is used for heating and in some manufacturing operations.
F Currency and Banking
The monetary unit of Iceland is the króna, consisting of 100 aurar (78.62 krónur equal U.S. $1; 2000). In 1981 the government introduced a new króna, equivalent to 100 old krónur. Currency is issued by the state-owned Central Bank (1961). Iceland has several private commercial banks.
G Foreign Trade
The yearly value of Iceland’s imports is often greater than that of its exports, although the country’s foreign trade balances occasionally. In 2000 imports cost $2.6 billion, and exports earned $1.9 billion. Major imports include refined petroleum, machinery, transportation equipment, textiles and clothing, chemicals, basic manufactures, and foodstuffs. Exports of metal and ores, including a significant amount of aluminum, account for 16 percent of total exports. The country’s main trade partners are the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Norway, and Japan.
H Transportation and Communications
Iceland has 12,962 km (8,054 mi) of roads, which are mainly located in coastal areas. In 1999 Iceland had 546 passenger cars for every 1,000 residents. The island has no railroads or navigable rivers. The country has several seaports, including Arkanes, Keflavík, Reykjavík, and Siglufjörður. Icelandair provides domestic and international air service.
There are 3 daily newspapers published in Iceland, with a combined circulation of 145,000. Telephone and telegraph services are owned and administered by the government; the state monopoly on radio and television broadcasting ended in 1986. In 1997 the country had 950 radio receivers and 358 television sets for every 1,000 inhabitants.
Iceland is governed under a constitution that became effective when the country achieved full independence in 1944. Iceland has no armed forces of its own except for 120 coast guard personnel, but is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In 1997 some 1,520 United States military personnel were stationed at Keflavík air base.
A Executive
The head of state of Iceland is a president, who is elected by universal suffrage by persons aged 18 and older to a four-year term. The president has little power, and the country’s chief executive is a prime minister, who is responsible to Parliament. The prime minister is assisted by a cabinet, which holds real executive power.
B Legislature
The legislature of Iceland is the Althing, which has met almost continually since its establishment in ad 930, and which was converted from a bicameral to a unicameral system in 1991. It has 63 members, 54 elected to four-year terms under a system of proportional representation and 9 allotted to the political parties based on their relative vote totals in the elections.
C Political Parties
The leading political organizations of Iceland are the Independence Party, a conservative group; the leftist Alliance coalition, which includes the People’s Alliance, the People’s Party, and the Alliance of Women’s List; the liberal Progressive Party; and the Left-Green Alliance. Governments in Iceland are generally formed by coalitions, including the current government of the Independence Party and the Progressive Party.




国家简介冰岛共和国(冰岛语:Lýðveldið Ísland;英语:The Republic of Iceland)是北大西洋中的一个岛国,代码IS,简称冰岛,位于格陵兰岛和英国中间,首都雷克雅未克。地理概念上,冰岛经常被视为是北欧五国的一份子。今日的冰岛已是一个高度发展的发达国家,拥有世界排名第五的人均国内生产总值,以及世界排名第一的人类发展指数。目前,冰岛是联合国、北大西洋公约组织、欧洲自由贸易联盟、欧洲经济区、北欧理事会与经济合作与发展组织的会员国,但是并未加入欧洲联盟


冰岛是欧洲第二大岛屿,找遍地球的各个角落,你不会发现第二个国家有她这样如此千变万化的自然景观。大自然的伟大的力量在冰岛呈现出的温柔、粗旷、壮美、奇特、怪异、虚幻、甚至残酷、无奈,让人觉得在冰岛一这个面积只有七万平方公里的小国上同时出现,绝对是让人不可思议。您在这个岛上可以领略到冰川、热泉、间歇泉、活火山、冰帽、苔原、冰原、雪峰、火山岩荒漠、瀑布及火山口,还有凡尔纳笔下的“地心游记” 通向地心的入口:斯乃费尔峰。
当您心满意足又精疲力尽地回到雷克亚未克时,别忘了在告别这个小岛时洗一下Blue Lagoon温泉浴,四季皆宜,保证又解乏又健身。


冰岛于1918年宣布为主权国家,但仍受丹麦国王的控制,由丹麦处理其外交事务。在第二次世界大战中,冰岛脱离丹麦,同英国和美国建立了外交关系。1944年6月17日成立冰岛共和国,1946年加入联合国,1949年成为北约成员国。 一提起冰岛,人们通常会把它与严寒和冰雪联系在一起。然而,当我们身临其境时才发现,冰岛虽有冰,但到处触摸到的却是“火”。火山、热泉、间歇泉在这里比比皆是,“地球的热泪”遍地流淌、热气腾腾。因此,如果把冰岛称为“冰火之岛”更为确切。


  Because there is the world’s clean air and water, as well as the best hot springs. Or because Iceland is a mysterious country: compared to other Nordic countries, Iceland look very original, man and nature is very close to. But they very avant-garde and advanced in some areas, such as Iceland’s music. Bjork can only be described as Iceland’s most famous musicians than Iceland standards very high rates of musicians and groups, she isn’t even the best of! Iceland who appears very stiff wood patch up, but their celebration can be at least a day and a night, everyone has their own special skills, music, dance, music, poetry.   Alternatively tired if you on Earth any travel you can select Iceland: as our most similar Planet Moon’s terrain, Iceland Central was first moon Armstrong training places. Iceland generally through Law Office lankefu through Iceland air flight Reykjavik, flew to Frankfurt flights because more possibility of discounts.   Airline flying from London New York voyage can transfer and remain in Iceland, passengers using transit hours bubble hot spring, such an arrangement more suited to guest. Reached Reykjavik, first stop of tourists are generally from the airport and 20 km of the Blue Lagoon (Blue Lake), it was a black volcanic rock around like Sapphire Wang in hot springs around dirt is white.   Due to water quality and pond soil rich in precious minerals, the hot springs not only West of Earth’s most beautiful Wonderland, more considered reply youth, beautiful shengquan. Reykjavik is the capital, but it looks more like a small town. Because most of the time of the year is cold, where the Cafe is far from being without so many other European countries. Iceland people considered the best family recreation and relaxation places, so Iceland sleep in hotels is relatively sensible approach. Recommended was icelandica, it a European Castle style building, located 101 downtown area. House lots of hardwoods and convex Windows, decorative painted glass and painting work, price about 140-200 euros per night. (Iceland ordinary hotel is the price of 80-90 euros).   In the living room side of the icelandica’ve liqueurs on the reading by the fire over a cup of coffee, and talk to other travelers, you can let you’d like to see a real Iceland traffic calming people’s daily lives.   Distance from Reykjavik near hot springs, is a worth a place to go, where the variety of plants and trees and the building was in a Scandinavian fairy tale Wonderland again. A number of senior tourists into Iceland does not necessarily go to the famous “golden ring“ tour, but the land of the Skaftafell National Park is a must. Near the National Park of skeidararsandur, was Iceland one of the Great Plains, an area of nearly 1000 square kilometres, is by the vast plains of the vatnajkull glacier snow alluvial.   The endless black plain, near mountain side is a heavenly silver glittering ice age, another side is hot geothermal water fountains, people feel to end world. Iceland because fewer cold climate and pollution, wool very famous.   Nordic research on characteristic of the necklace is also brought back souvenirs. Iceland for most is an ideal place for adventure lovers, now from the United States is the number of explorers twice times 10 years ago, in 2003 for a total of 300,000 people-is the country’s population of more than twice times. The most convincing is Iceland fujialabake expedition equipment of local travel company, every year expedition to find new routes at an alarming rate. Green swamps and aolafei desert, Tundra area of spring hot Alaska Volcano and plenty of known good birds gather for Mr West-man Wallis et Futuna it.    Iceland the large central southern coast, Maui 80% with mixed with the glaciers, lava Lake, caves, with weeds, can never walk out. Iceland Aurora
Iceland has three national parks: 1, at the former Council National Park (Thingvellir), located in Iceland in southwestern, Eastern capital 50 kilometers the year 930 Iceland early settlers held here the first national “people’s congresses“, set up the world’s first democratically elected Parliament and the first Iceland Constitution. Beautiful here, to two plates of Eurasia and America’s broken Valley and Lake pure deep boards are famous world.   This park world cultural landscapes and natural heritage resorts. 2, Ann Waltner glaciers National Park (Skaftafell), at Iceland Southeast was Iceland’s largest country parks and natural reserve.   The Park sets glaciers, volcanoes, canyons, forests, and waterfalls as one, the landscape is spectacular. 3, Glacier Gorge River National Park (Jökullsargljufur), located in Iceland North, Europe’s largest waterfalls and one of the longest Valley, Bird Habitat.


冰岛是一个国家的名字,位置大概在英国的上方,穿过了北极圈。 冰岛共和国,意为“冰的陆地”,成立于1944年6月17日。国土面积为10.3万平方千米,人口约为32万,是欧洲人口密度最小的国家。因其为岛国,汉译成冰岛。
国家简介冰岛共和国(冰岛语:Lýðveldið Ísland;英语:The Republic of Iceland)是北大西洋中的一个岛国,代码IS,简称冰岛,位于格陵兰岛和英国中间,首都雷克雅未克。


The Republic of Iceland
首都: 雷克雅未克
面积: 103,000.00 平方公里
同北京时差: -9.00
国际电话码: 354
人口: 27.4万人(1997年)
语言: 冰岛语为国语,通用英语
货币: 冰岛克朗
民族: 冰岛人99%
宗教: 福音派路德教占97%
冰岛共和国,简称冰岛。位于大西详东北部,紧靠北极圈,欧洲第二大岛。面枳103106平方公里。人口24万人(1984),均为冰岛人,属日耳曼人、挪威人后裔。冰 岛语为国语。基督教路德宗为国教。首都雷克雅未克。
移民时期和古代冰岛共和国 公元 860年挪威人的船只遇难漂流至冰岛。 874年被挪威国王驱逐的部落首领英格尔夫.阿耳纳逊军领家族和奴隶来冰岛定居,他们将一处有自喷温泉的地方命名为雷克雅未克(冒烟的峡湾)。此后来自挪威,间或亦有来自爱尔兰的移 民不断增加。10世纪前期,冰岛历史上的移民时期结束。
930年在雷克雅未克首次召开了名为阿耳庭的全体居民大会。阿耳庭既是立法会议,也是仲裁纠纷的法庭。 965年阿耳庭将全岛划分成4个行政区,各设一个由3名族长共同掌管的法庭,形成了古代的冰岛共和国。此期经济有较大发展。基督教传入,并于公元1000年成为国教。由于封建贵族纷纷投靠挪威,1262年冰岛成为挪威 的附属国,由挪威国王指派总督管治,从而结束了存在 300年之久的古代共和局面。
1202年以后的冰岛 冰岛臣服于挪威后,阿耳庭丧失立法权,只起司法机关的作用。挪威总督把挪威的法律推行到冰岛,对冰岛事务有决定权。1380年丹麦国王兼任挪威国王,冰岛亦成为丹麦的附庸国,引起冰岛人民的反对。1534年挪威被丹麦兼并,冰岛亦成为丹麦属地。 16世纪 30年代后期,科拉教区大主教J.阿拉松(1484一 1550)发动冰岛人民反对丹麦的统治,后被镇压。1602年 丹麦国王克里斯蒂安四世在冰岛推行贸易垄断制度,规定哥本哈根等三地的丹麦商人拥有在冰岛从事贸易的特权。贸易垄断长期束缚着冰岛经济发展,直到1854年丹 麦才被迫取消这种制度。
从19世纪中叶起,冰岛民族主义运动在J .西古尔茨松(1811一1879)领导下逐渐高涨起来。在冰岛人民要求自治与独立的压力之下,丹麦不得不在1843年同意冰岛重建阿耳庭,但又规定阿耳庭只是咨询机构而不是权力机构。1849年冰岛要求对内自治权,并且在1851年召开 全国会议正式提出实行自治的主张。经过谈判,冰岛在1874年赢得对内实行自治的权力,阿耳庭成为立法机构并制订自己的宪法,但一切重大问题仍需报请丹麦政府批准。1903年冰岛才单独设立政府来处理国内事务。19世纪末冰岛独立党建立。1916年社会民主党和进步党也相继成立。这些政党在争取独立的斗争中发挥了作用。1918年11月30日丹麦、冰岛签订联盟条约,规定冰岛为主权国家,但外交事务由丹麦控制。丹麦国王仍为冰岛的国家元首。1940年4月丹麦被法西斯德国占领后,冰岛同丹麦的联系被切断。冰岛阿耳庭宣布行使外交权和军事防御权。5月,英国出兵占领了冰岛。1941年7月8日,冰岛与美国签订《战时防务条约》,美军代替英军进驻冰岛。
冰岛共和国时期 第二次世界大战结束前,冰岛于1944年2月25日宣布冰丹联盟条约过期。3月8日,冰岛阿耳庭通过一部新宪法,决定成立共和国。6月16日正式宣布冰岛脱离丹冰联盟。6月17日,冰岛共和国宣布成立,S.比耶松任第一届总统。美国驻冰岛军队于1945年撤回, 仅保留了凯夫拉维克空军基地。1949年冰岛加入了北大西洋公约组织,1951年同美国缔结条约,以美承担冰岛防御责任为条件允许美国在冰岛驻军。1956年以前,冰岛政府大多由农民进步党和独立党联合组阁。1959年后大多由社会民主党和独立党联合组阁。美国军事基地问题长期成为冰岛人民所关切的政治问题,1971年由人民联盟和左派自由联盟等政党联合组阁的冰岛政府要求美国撤回驻军。同年12月8日,冰岛与中国建立外交关系。
冰岛经常遇到的另一重大问题是捕鱼区划界问题。 1958年冰岛决定将捕鱼区扩大到12海里,英国再三反对, 两年后才予承认。60年代国际渔业不景气,冰岛为保护民族利益,1972年将捕鱼区扩大到50海里。英国、联邦德国对此提出强硬抗议,英国还出动军舰为英国渔船护航,并与冰岛的巡逻艇发生多次纠纷,形成了旷日持久的冰英捕鱼战。海牙国际法庭于1974年判决拒绝认可冰岛宣布的50海里捕鱼区。冰岛于1974年又宣布将捕鱼区扩大至200海里。冰、英两国于1976年断绝外交关系,经3个月谈判英国承认了冰岛200海里捕鱼区,并与冰岛复交。1980年8月1日,V.芬博阿多蒂尔成为世界上第一位民选女总统,1984年8月1日连任。


冰岛共和国(英语:The Republic of Iceland)是北大西洋中的一个岛国,代码IS,简称冰岛,位于格陵兰岛和英国中间,首都雷克雅未克。地理概念上,冰岛经常被视为是北欧五国的一份子。今日的冰岛已是一个高度发展的发达国家,拥有世界排名第五的人均国内生产总值,以及世界排名第一的人类发展指数。 【国家简介】 冰岛是联合国、北大西洋公约组织、欧洲自由贸易联盟、欧洲经济区、北欧理事会
与经济合作与发展组织的会员国,但是并未加入欧洲联盟。经过2008年末的金融危机,冰岛现已宣布破产。  【国旗】 冰岛国旗于1944年6月17日冰岛成为共和国时采用,设计为蓝色底色配以白色及红色的十字。呈长方形,长与宽之比为25:18。旗地为蓝色,红、白两色的十字将旗面分成四块:两个相等的蓝色正方形,两个相等的蓝色长方形。蓝色代表大海,白色代表白雪。蓝、白两色为冰岛的国色,体现冰岛的自然环境特点,即在蓝色的天空和海洋中,浮出“ 冰的陆地”——冰岛。冰岛自1262年起为挪威属地,14世纪同受丹麦统治,所以国旗上的十字图案源自丹麦国旗图案,表示出冰岛历史上与挪威、丹麦的关系。
【国徽】 冰岛国徽中心图案为绘有国旗图案的盾徽。盾徽上端有一只红舌金爪的白隼和一
只白齿红舌金爪的龙,左侧是一头黑牛,右侧站着一位身披斗篷的白衣老人。隼、龙、牛和老人都是传说中的守护神。盾徽下端的石块代表冰岛多岩石的漫长海岸。  【首都】 冰岛首都雷克雅未克(Reykjavik) 位于冰岛西部法赫萨湾东南角 雷克雅未克,塞尔蒂亚纳半岛北侧,全世界纬度最高的首都,是冰岛最大的港口城市,西面临海,北面和东面被高山环绕,受北大西洋暖流影响,气候温和,7月份平均温度11℃,1月份平均温度-1℃,年平均温度4.3℃。全市有人口112200人。  【国家元首】 总统奥拉维尔·格里姆松(Olafur R. Grimsson) ,1996年6月当选为冰岛共和国第五任总统,同年8月就职。2000年8月在无竞争对手的情况下直接连任总统。2004年6月,他以绝对优势再次蝉联冰岛总统。2008年8月,格里姆松第四次担任总统。2008年8月,格里姆松参加第29届北京奥运会相关活动。  【人口】 据冰岛国家统计局最新数据,截止到2008年1月1日,冰岛人口总数为313376人,其中男性159488人,女性153888人。城市人口275333人,乡村居民38043人(居住在少于1000人的村落)。  按冰岛区域划分,首都地区196564人,占62.7%。西南部地区20446人,其中最大城市Reykjanse市(包括凯夫拉维克机场地区)和Grindavik市,人口分别为13134人和2762人。南部地区23505人,其中最大城市Selfoss和西人岛,人口分别为6275和4032人。西部地区15462人,其中最大城市Akranse市,人口为6359人。西部峡湾地区7299人,其中最大城市Isafjordur市,人口为2690人。北部地区36181人,其中最大城市阿克雷利市,人口为17097人。东部地区13919人,其中最大城市Egilsstadir市,人口为2229人。  人口密度:2.98人/k㎡。(世界排名第188名)  据冰岛国家统计局2006年3月28日发布的资料,2005年,冰岛总死亡人数为1836人,其中男945人,女891人,死亡率约0.64%,男子寿命平均78.9岁,女子82.8岁。  最近数十年来,冰岛婴儿死亡率大幅下降,2001年至2005年期间新生儿死亡率0.25%,是世界婴儿死亡率最低的国家。其它北欧国家婴儿死亡率略高,芬兰0.31%,挪威0.35%,丹麦0.44%。  绝大多数为冰岛人,属日耳曼族。85.4%的人口信奉基督教路德教派。  【行政区划】 全国分为23个省、21个自治市和203个教区。